April 10, 2010

try not to be jealous

Between thrifting and the 15 garage sales I went to this week, I found some pretty cool stuff. Check it out!

I love puzzles. You know it. I know it. This puzzle is particularly cool because of the oddly shaped puzzle pieces, and the way the picture props up in the box. Savers, 99 cents.
Sweet He-Man puzzle. Not sure if all the pieces are there yet.
Stupid Savers tapes all their boxes shut. 69 cents.

Duck Tales, Woo-ooh! Garage sale, $2.00

Vintage Snoopy book from 1966. Garage sale, 10 cents.

Garfield plastic cup. Estate sale, 25 cents.
I love this owl bell! Estate sale, 50 cents.

Not sure if I will ever play this, but I couldn't pass it up for a quarter.
And duh, who doesn't love the 80s??
The Wuzzles card game from 1985, complete. Garage sale, 50 cents.

Totally awesome Spirograph from 1976. Near complete, I believe it's just missing the pens, plus it has some extras. I paid a whole quarter for this, and it sells for around $20 on ebay.

And for my treasure find of the weekend... Thing Ding! I picked this up from a little old lady's garage sale for a buck. It's complete with original box from the 60s. The only thing wrong with it is the broken handle. Checked ebay and found this might be a rare game! There are a few "Buy It Now" listings, one listed at $150, and a near mint one listed for $375! I'm going to have to watch to see how much one of these actually goes for. To be continued...How cute are these little robot guys??


Carrie said...

Nice finds! Spirograph's go for 20 dollars? My folks have 2 or 3 sets, and Grandma Anne has 1 (not that I would sell them or anything, they are way to fun to get rid of).

Is there a place that sells individual game parts? If you can replace the handle, I bet you can make the game near mint! -Carrie

Neal said...

We had those Alex Beard puzzles at work and almost bought one for you multiple times. Haha.